Llac de les Bulloses (2,005)


col de la cayolle cycling


Llac de les Bulloses, also known as Lac des Bouillouses, is a serene mountain lake situated in the French Pyrenees within the Catalonia region. This climb offers a tranquil and picturesque route, perfect for cyclists seeking a more relaxed ascent. The climb to Llac de les Bulloses features an average gradient of 3.1% over 12 kilometers, making it one of the gentler Deux Mille climbs and an ideal choice for those new to col-hunting or looking for a less intense challenge.

Starting from the village of La Llagonne, the route to the lake is well-maintained and suitable for road bikes, providing a smooth and enjoyable ride. The gentle gradient and well-paved road make this climb accessible to a wide range of cyclists, from beginners to those looking for a leisurely ride through beautiful mountain scenery.

Llac de les Bulloses itself is a high-altitude reservoir, celebrated for its clear, pristine waters set against a dramatic mountain backdrop. The lake and its surroundings offer stunning views, creating a peaceful and picturesque setting that is ideal for relaxation and photography. The area is particularly charming in the summer months, when the landscape is lush and vibrant.

To protect the natural environment, there may be restrictions on motor vehicle access to the lake during peak seasons. This enhances the cycling experience by reducing traffic, allowing riders to enjoy the tranquility and natural beauty of the region without disturbance. The limited access also helps preserve the pristine condition of the area, making it a perfect destination for those who appreciate nature conservation.

Overall, the climb to Llac de les Bulloses provides a rewarding and scenic experience, with the serene atmosphere and gentle gradient making it a pleasant outing for cyclists of all levels. The combination of easy climbing, well-maintained roads, and breathtaking scenery makes this route a must-visit for those exploring the French Pyrenees.