Grosser Oscheniksee (2,308)


col de la cayolle cycling


The Grosser Oscheniksee climb is legendary within the cycling community for its extreme difficulty, ranking among the top three steepest Deux Mille climbs. This ascent is notorious for its punishing gradients, presenting an exceptional challenge that tests even the most seasoned cyclists. The climb is so demanding that it’s dubious whether it still qualifies as paved, as the pavement has disappeared in several sections, adding an extra layer of challenge.

The climb boasts an average gradient of a staggering 12.8% over its 9.4 kilometers, a steepness that is brutal even by high mountain standards. This relentless incline pushes the limits of riders’ endurance and strength, making it one of the most grueling ascents in the world.

Starting in the quaint town of Innerfragant, known for its picturesque alpine setting, the climb immediately begins to test cyclists. Innerfragant serves as the gateway to Grosser Oscheniksee, leading into an unforgiving ascent that only the most determined and prepared can conquer. The difficulty of the climb is underscored by the fact that fewer than ten riders have ever completed it in under an hour, highlighting the elite level of fitness and mental fortitude required.

As cyclists ascend, they are treated to breathtaking views of the surrounding glaciers, which provide a dramatic and awe-inspiring backdrop. These ancient glaciers, with their slow, steady movement, serve as a powerful reminder of the enduring and rugged nature of the alpine environment. The stark beauty of these icy giants contrasts with the harsh challenge of the climb, creating a unique and humbling experience for those who dare to undertake it.

The Grosser Oscheniksee climb is not just a physical test but also a profound mental challenge. It demands not only peak physical condition but also an immense amount of willpower and determination. The combination of steep gradients, deteriorating pavement, and the sheer length of the climb makes it a true test of endurance and resilience. This climb is not for the faint-hearted, but for those who seek the ultimate challenge, it offers an unparalleled opportunity to push their limits and achieve a remarkable feat.